Monday, July 11, 2011

..will ask

Dazed was I,
Tears were running within
But still I was standing Straight!
To give you A Support.
And you were lying on my chest…

Errant beats,
Re-breathing breaths
Flowing feelings
And me, again and again wiping
Those warm tears…

My words,
My legal skills
And me,
Holding your hands will not do today..
You have to go
You have to color those dreamings today…

Yes! I have grownup
But you came upon my childish doings.
You embraced,
You fed me yesterday..
In that little spoon,
There was the taste of the past,
Presence of the care,
And the smell of 15 years old…

I left you
As saying ‘bye’ was hard.
Didn’t say anything
Didn’t complain
Didn’t wish you either.

Dei! I have never prayed.
But if I will ever,
..Will ask for your contentment
..Will ask for your blitheness
..Will ask for your blissful family
And certainly will ask to return,
My childhood with you!!!

For U, my Dei (didi)!


  1. ..this is an Exception to my Style of spelling touches. Words here are individualistic and not abstractions unlike other dictations.

    Thanks for commenting. Author took your comment as -‘Breaking Tradition’, as his readers read but never comment...
