Once in the jurisprudence class, Prof. G. V. Ajjappa told us, when Gandhiji was going somewhere, (I haven’t remembered where he was going that day...) Gopal Krishna Gokley asked him to go by sleeper class, TO KNOW INDIA BETTER. Gandhiji was convinced. But when he tried to get into the train, people threw him out, as the train was full of people. Somehow when people recognized him as Gandhiji, they asked him to enter. By the way, that was his 1st journey by sleeper class. With the same vision to know, what is India? , though not for 1st time, I got into sleeper compartment S 8, 38 Prasanti Express. I was going that day to Bangalore for the 3rd International and 32nd All India Criminology Conference. For the 1st time I could able to manage not to shed tears, when I am leaving my family. From the very moment of getting in, I try to observe each and everything.
From the very beginning when the train started its journey from Bhubaneswar, there were a few people inside. Hardly 3 to 4 in that compartment. Certainly this train is not that one. So, there is no possibility of throwing me out but that day I could have thrown them out and put the cross mark (×) on all the names written outside, near the door of that compartment. Anyway I hadn’t done anything of that sort. Gradually people started getting in after Visakapatnam.
The train was very fast that day. But I was slow, like in any other day. I was trying to discover a new India, which is unknown to me and others. Trying to realize the ultimate truth, what Hindu Sastras and seers was talking about. Trying to find out the so called “happiness”, what Greek philosophers had focused on. But oh!! there was noth. NEW.
The people from Andhra Pradesh and other states were talking in their regional languages. They may be doing so, because they are convenient in that or they might be showing, others, their integrity or, or, or they don’t want others to follow them. I don’t know the reasons. But it was not something NEW- that much I am sure.
A frustrated Oriya guy named Rasilat Ahmed, was looking outside for the entire day and in between, times and again, repeating the same line- It’s hot (the weather, for your kind information). Later, on the very next day we started talking something other than that one liner. That guy was going to Bangalore and on the next day he will leave Bangalore for Israel. If I have remembered right, he had told me, the same that he will go by flight for 13.04 times. The point calculation indicates, the times, when I stop him by diverting him to other topic. But he sticks to those lines only. “See this is my sister- Isn’t she beautiful? (An unwilling "yes" from my side) My uncle was asking for her marriage, but I said let me come back from foreign once.” He was telling me a many things, which I was not willing to listen but that poor, simple guy was not willing to understand. Here also as u can see noth. NEW. Do you find anything new here? If you, then please contact me in that BSNL number. Just give me a missed call.
Suddenly a eunuch came and put her hand on mine and the young lady’s head (who was sitting beside me). She started blessing us, uttering some mantras or Koranic verses, I certainly have not remembered. I guess she had some links with the Almighty, if there is any, because she closed her eyes and looking up. Ohhhhhh there was a gentleman in the upper berth also…….. she might be lookin……. -I don’t know. But as she was putting her hand on my head and at the same time on that lady’s head, so I was feeling shy, nervous, guilty and many other things- you know me na……… After doing all that she asked us, I mean me and her, money. That lady simply ignored but I searched my wallet for Rs 1 in order to show, I am soooooo kind... If I have remebered right I softly said Aashrivad Muft me nahni melta hei kya? (Is blessing also costs?) However it was her business. So, here is also nothing NEW. If you find any and have internet connection at your home or college write me at satyamebajaite@gmail.com. Again don’t spend money for mailing me at cafĂ©. 2 minutes also costs Rs 5.
(Some parts are missing). I assure you that, there was also, nothing so called “NEW”… Bring permission from censure board, I promise, to give you. Why to do so many things… forget it.
I was going from one compartment to the other, the TTE caught me. But I was the wrong person. I simply showed him the print out of my ticket and left, without asking the reasons. If he had called me that day for any purpose, then also it is not something NEW. Ha ha ha! But I was afraid. On the way of returning I crossed S 8. After sometimes I could able to mark- ohhh S 8 has gone. I returned back and sat on my seat just like a tree falls down, saying “noth. NEW”. I am sure if Gandhiji would have been there, in my situation, he might have discovered something NEW. If you have not got any NEW, you are also just like me a stupid guy.
Please do remember it is not something (fully) real…………but just dictate of… (Look at the URL address)